Keep it Cool

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Does it seem like no matter what the weather is outside, it’s never a comfortable temperature inside your house? Try to be cautious this summer and refrain from using unnecessary energy to cool your home. In a typical household the air conditioning is not even close to the largest energy consumer but in the summertime it can make a decent dent in your wallet. Many times the air conditioning usage and cost gets overlooked because it is typically much less than the heat in the winter time so by comparison, it seems meager.

The easiest way to reduce air conditioning usage without compromising comfort is to use fans to cool smaller areas for shorter periods of time rather than keeping the entire house at a steady temperature. Many people like it cooler when they sleep and a small fan near your bed is much more efficient than running central air conditioning all night long.

Next, try to utilize the natural air and open the windows every once and awhile. In the summer time it can be hard to find the perfect balance of getting fresh air, keeping out the bugs, embracing the breeze, and trapping the cool air inside but sometimes, it can work. As the temperature falls in the evening, that may be the perfect time to let some fresh air in and hopefully keep it in all night.

Here are some unconventional ways to keep the temperature down and feel cooler through the summer; switch to lighter sheets and blankets, keep the oven off, take cold showers, eat cold meals, wear lighter fabrics, and so much more!

Limit your footprint by staying cool with less air conditioning this summer.

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